Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ready to Rock and Roll!

Well, the past few weeks have been a bit crazy! We have officially begun our homeschooling adventure! We are linking up with another blog that has begun Raising Rockstars: Shine like a Star with our foundation on the Rock! Our dearest 5 1/2 year old is in Kindergarten. Since Elijah is of Pre-School age I want to include him, so I have been using some preschool ideas from various websites, including Raising Rockstars, tweaking and then beefing them up for Abigail. We have a number, letter, sight word, memory verse, and character trait for each week. We then explore themes that are related to one of those. The first week it was L, 1, 'see', and Matt. 5:16. We talked a lot about Light, Ladybugs, and all things L.

We've spent the last two weeks on the letter T. There are so many options for T!! Trains, Trucks, Turtles, Tents, Tunnels, Tractors...the list goes on! (I must admit, the entire first week of school I dreamed about letters every night! Aahh!) We are also discussing Trust and Thankfulness. (Abigail is practicing counting by Tens and Twos!) I will try to keep updated with how it is all going.


Painting Toilet paper Tubes to make a Train.
 Samuel helping us find tubes to paint.

As for the littlest Tidbit...Samuel. I haven't said much about him lately and he is growing fast. He is 10 months old and Wow is he showing some personality. He is a man of motion, determination, and opinion!

We are guessing he'll be walking in the next month. He stands solo for long periods of time often. His favorite pastimes are crawling quickly up the stairs (stopping every so often to stand solo on one...) playing in the dog food, getting scolded, then crawling away to play with the cat food...that is if the toilet paper hasn't grabbed his interest first.

The other children didn't seem as interested in the toilet paper but boy does he like it. Also - He LOVES his daddy and brother and sister (especially his brother).

Monday, September 6, 2010

Birthday Wishes!

Happy Birthday (one day late)  to an amazing woman!




We intend the best meaning for each word!  We love you and pray that you have a blessed year!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Muffin Tin Wonders

I was inspired by the recent issue of Everyday Food
They had a section on non-muffin uses for muffin cups.
I'm not sure why I liked it so much...but why not?
Here is the line up:

Bacon-Egg-Toast Cups
My toast got a bit crunchy, but they were good. Despite the appearance the yolk is not runny.
 The kids struggled a little, but it was our first muffin tin wonder.
Maybe if they were sprinkled with some cheese...

Mini Deep Dish Pizzas 
(aka Pizza Muffins)

These were delicious! A perfect serving size for the kids.
They don't use sauce, just pieces of tomato...mmm!!!
Perhaps next time I'll roll the dough a little thinner to fit more toppings in.

 Sugared Tortilla Fruit Cup Thingys

These were very yummy. I lightly sprayed tortillas with olive oil, sprinkled on a bit of sugar (both sides) and pressed into muffin cups. Bake, fill with yogurt and top with berries! The kids loved them, but they were pretty messy (maybe if I would have offered spoons...). 
I bet with out the sugar they would made great mini ensalada bowls!