Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Puddles

The kids and I just returned from a whirlwind visit to our favorite summer junior camp at Pleasant Valley Christian Camp. A peaceful and beautiful beyond words rustic jewel several miles past Elbe. We drove up Wednesday morning and came back this evening.

We went on a hike and got soaked! The sun hats kept their heads a little dry.

I did not enjoy the serenity of it so much this year however. Perhaps because we had to drive through torrents of rain (missing the road to camp), or because it rained ALL Wednesday yet was very warm and humid, or I had two small children in tow while being 6 1/2 months pregnant, OR because I had to sleep in the girls lodge (which I don't particularly care for...) sharing a bed (2 bottom bunks pushed together with a large middle gap) with those same children...being pregnant in a twin bed is full enough...Oh well. We are all very exhausted and I can't wait to climb in my own bed tonight. I just reminded my self that I'd much rather the rain than the heat, and I need to do laundry anyway!

Abigail loves to jump- she had fun jumping over puddles.
Elijah loves to copy his sister - he had fun, oops, he didn't ususally make it all the way!

Can I do it mom? Can I?

Sure! (I need to do laundry anyway!)


  1. Thanks for the post! So sorry it was soupy but themn you would not have this post!..BTW, nice picture of the bellies...

  2. Elijah needs a non-girly hat. Hmm. Maybe I can do something about that.
    You were brave to take your pregnant self with two kids up there. :)

  3. That used to be Pappy's hat when he was a kid - I didn't pick it! Let me know if you need head measurements! Ü
